09 May, 2007

May 7, 2007: First day on the job

So, it’s official. I’m very confused about how things work around here. This is going to be an intense month. My main accomplishment for the day was getting internet access in my apartment. It involved hunting down the computer guy, getting the cable from the downstairs apt, threading it up through the outside veranda roof and into my bedroom window. Not too bad. I also have some idea of the field visits that we'll do this month, set up my first Creole lesson for tomorrow, and made friends with the gate keeper, Jacques. Phew. That's more than enough for one day. I’m feeling quite overwhelmed. I still have no idea if anyone will show up tomorrow at 8am to go out to one of the villages and the language barrier is tough. Knowing French is definitely coming in handy and has enabled me to have a general understanding of what is going on, but it’s just not good enough. I've been avoiding going to see the kids in the in-patient nutrition ward because I just can't deal with that yet. I think I'll go on Wednesday. I need another day to just get used to happier things around here.

Luckily there is a kitty named Pasha who keeps me company at night so I don’t get lonely.

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