Today’s Ti Foye visit included another “little walk”. I knew better than to wear my slippery Jcrew flip flops, but I wasn’t prepared for this! We hiked down there:
Luckily it was a nice day and not too sunny, but I’m definitely out of shape.
(Picture: Yva and Kara taking a photo break)
The kids has a snack of peanut butter on bread while the monitrices reviewed the material they had covered. This particular Ti Foye was nearing the end of its 10-day course. The mothers eagerly shared all the information that they had learned such as how to prepare a balanced and high calorie meal for their kids, what causes diarrhea and how to prevent it, how to make oral rehydration solution at home, and the signs, symptoms, and prevention of malaria.
(Picture: Mere voluntaire’s little boy standing outside the kitchen - He doesn't look too happy in this picture, but in fact he happily played and tormented a rather healthy looking stray dog the entire time we were there.)
Just as the kids were about to eat the lunch of rice, black bean sauce, and vegetables, a big black rain cloud appeared and it started to thunder. Yva and I decided we did not want to hike in the rain so we booked it back up the mountain and made it to the truck just as the first drops began to fall! Phew!